There have been many communities that have created skating trails and now you can add Drumheller to that list.
The Badlands Trail Society along with a number of partners have created a new skating trail in the Newcastle Beach park. Pam MacDonald, Secretary for the Badlands Trail Society, shares how this project developed. “We, initially, were looking at doing some cross country ski trails and then we had a couple of years with not a lot of snow. so we decided we kind of had to come up with a plan that would fit the weather here better. There are some really neat skating trails in a lot of other communities. We had all known about them and decided to give it a try and see if it would work here.”
As for the location by Diamond 3 and the Newcastle Beach, MacDonald shares that the trees in the area was a factor in the decision. “It fit the bill perfectly. It is quite sheltered, so we didn’t think (the trail) would melt as soon as there was a warm chinook. It has access to water, has good parking, the road is cleared, and it is just stunning down there with all the trees and the view of the badlands on the other side of the valley. We thought, for our first trial run, it really was the place to do it.”
Logistically to install the trail and to maintain it is a work in progress according to MacDonald. “We’re learning as we go. Weather kind of dictates when we can put water down. It can’t be too cold and it can’t be too warm. It took us longer than we expected to be able to get the base down. When we get a snow or some wind that blows snow on the trail, we have to get it as clear as we can before we flood it again. It has been a lot of good time spent bonding with the Trail Society members with some shovels in hand. We’re pretty happy on how it’s gone.” The trail itself is not a perfectly flat surface. MacDonald compares it to skating on a dugout that weaves through the trees.
This trail matches up with the goals of the Badlands Trail Society who have now been in the Drumheller Valley for a couple of years. “We just celebrated our two year anniversary,” shares MacDonald. “Our vision is that Drumheller is going to be filled with people who are connected to each other, via the outdoors. All of our members are outdoor enthusiasts and all noticed that there is not a big outdoor community here. We thought maybe the infrastructure is not in place, or there is not a lot of visibility, or everyone is doing their outdoor (activities) on their own. Part of building the skating trail is to give a central point for the people who like to do things outside, to be able to go and gather.” They are hoping to build some more year round, multi use trail opportunities throughout the valley.
The funding for this project was from the Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce and Newcastle Recreation Society. The group has also received support from the Town of Drumheller for this endeavor.
If you are interested in being involved with the Badlands Trail Society reach out via their Facebook page. They are always looking for volunteers to help clear the ice after a snowfall as they do not yet have a machine to help.