As Drumheller is known worldwide as a tourism destination, Travel Alberta has shared that there may be some capital available for tourism based capital projects in the Drumheller Valley.
During the Drumheller Town Council meeting this week, Director of Infrastructure Jared Brounstein shared that the Ministry of Tourism and Sports are looking for shovel-ready projects, directly related to tourism, for their 2026-2027 Capital Programs.
Drumheller Town Council discussed a number of projects within the valley that may qualify. A few discussed were the paving of the trail system throughout the valley. The work to improve the downtown core through the Downtown Revitalization Plan. Overwhelmingly, Town Council felt that one of the most important projects that would directly support tourism is the repaving of the parking lot at the Hoodoos.
Brounstein commented that for the parking lot project to be shovel-ready for next year, there would need to be design work required. Council advised that funding from the pay parking program that has been running out at the Hoodoos site for a number of years, could be allocated for the design phase, so that the project would be shovel-ready for 2026.
Council shared that the top priority would be the paving of the Hoodoo Parking Lot, followed by the Downtown Revitalization Plan as both would see significant benefits to tourism in the valley.