Drumheller is a destination for many and a number of groups have chosen our community as a place to hold a conference.
This is the case this upcoming weekend as The Alberta Chapter of The Wildlife Society “Digging Deeper Together” conference will be at the Badlands Community Facility. Dr. Colleen Cassidy Sinclair, a professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta, and President-Elect of the Alberta Chapter of The Wildlife Society shares that they try to visit all the corners of Alberta. “We try to move the conference all around the province. This society is a group of wildlife professionals. It includes graduate students from all of Alberta’s institutions. It includes academic staff from those institutions, lots of government folks that work in wildlife, lots of consultants that work in wildlife, and some interested citizens that are interested in wildlife, wildlife management and wildlife conservation. Drumheller is an attractive place for everyone in the province. It is such a fascinating landscape and it’s fun to be outside the big cities. The smaller urban areas always have a personality their own.”
As it is right in their name, wildlife is the focus of the organization and Dr. Sinclair shares that there are chapters all across North America. “The organization was founded in the US. It has chapters all over the continent, usually at the scale of states and provinces, but also at smaller scales. For example, the University of Alberta has a chapter. Across the continent, the organization is interested in promoting the conservation and sustainable management of wildlife and a role in the stewardship of wildlife resources for generations to come.” This conference is about learning from all of the different facets of the society and gathering together to discuss on how to better steward wildlife in Alberta.
There are opportunities for local residents, who are not part of the organization, to participate in certain aspects of the conference according to Dr. Sinclair. “Local folks can be involved by coming to an event tonight (Thursday). We’re calling it Wildlife Wisdom and Wild Guesses. It’s a talk and trivia night, led by Jason Fisher who is a Wildlife Biologist at the University of Victoria. He will share some of the things he learned about wildlife in the first part of the evening and then he will offer some trivia questions and it will be a fun opportunity to test your knowledge about quirky wildlife facts.” The event will take place Thursday, March 6th at 7 PM at Yavis Restaurant.
The conference will be at the Badlands Community Facility this weekend. For more information about the organization and to have the opportunity to learn more about wildlife in our province, visit their website.