Many in our community and those also on the Aqua 7 system continue to have concerns about the Town of Drumheller’s drinking water situation.
In a release that is shared below, the Town of Drumheller continues to reassure our community that our water remains safe.
The Town of Drumheller’s Utilities Department would like to reassure residents that despite recent changes in our drinking water’s taste, odour, and appearance, it remains completely safe to consume. Advanced testing performed by the City of Calgary, which the Town of Drumheller cannot conduct locally, has confirmed that our treated water meets all provincial and federal health standards.
The testing results show that any noted changes in the water’s taste or smell are purely aesthetic and do not pose a health risk. Minerals, organic substances, or sediment can discolour drinking water. Below is a summary of results from the City of Calgary’s report findings:
- Iron: a common mineral that can give water a rusty, reddish-brown colour.
- Manganese: can cause water to appear black
Organic Substances
- Dissolved organic matter: can cause water to appear yellow
- Naturally occurring organic matter: can cause water to be discoloured
- Mineral build-up: can cause water to appear yellow, brown or black (Legacy Manganese); disturbance of deposits that have accumulated in water pipes.
Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality
AO – Aesthetic Objective
MAC – Maximum Acceptable Concentration
Parameter | AO (mg/L) | MAC (mg/L) | Raw Water (mg/L) | WTP (mg/L) | Greentree
Tower (mg/L) |
Tower (mg/L) |
Tower (mg/L) |
Tower (mg/L) |
Residence (mg/L) |
Iron | < 0.3 | none | 0.03 | <0.010 | 0.023 | 0.058 | 0.010 | 0.188 | 0.010 |
Manganese | < 0.02 | 0.12 | 0.0439 | 0.0472 | 0.0213 | 0.0137 | 0.0209 | 0.020 | 0.0174 |
Geosmin | No Limit | No Limit | 0.0000465 | 0.0000336 | 0.0000292 | 0.0000315 | 0.0000308 | 0.0000287 | 0.000034 |
Daily system water testing includes but is not limited to: Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, Turbidity, Ultraviolet Transmittance (UVT), colour, pH, temperature, Copper, Manganese.
Note: All samples taken February 3, 2025.
People with sensitive pallets can detect geosmin in drinking water at concentrations as low as 0.000005 mg/L
Definitions and Information
Geosmin – Musty Odours in Source Water
Specialized testing conducted at the City of Calgary has shown that the Town’s treated water contains geosmin at detectable levels. Geosmin is a harmless, naturally occurring compound that can cause a temporary, earthy or musty taste and odour in the water, typically during late summer and early fall. While the presence of geosmin can be noticeable by some individuals due to its strong scent (detectable even at levels as low as five parts per trillion), the water remains safe to drink. It continues to meet all provincial and federal health standards.
If you are sensitive to the smell or taste of geosmin, we recommend using an activated charcoal filter (e.g., Brita filter) or keeping a pitcher of water with lemon slices in the fridge to help reduce the effects. These changes will diminish as the geosmin levels in the water drop.
Discoloured Water – Yellow and Brown Water
Drumheller’s water distribution system contains legacy manganese, accumulating over time due to sedimentation in the pipes. This manganese can cause the water to appear yellow or brown, especially in the winter when routine and peak water usage changes occur. The presence of discoloured water is aesthetic only and does not indicate that the water is unsafe.
Other activities such as water main repairs, valve operations, fire hydrant flushing, and other maintenance work can also disturb sediment and cause temporary discolouration. In the event of yellow or brown water, residents are advised to run their cold bathtub tap for 30 minutes and then run other cold taps for five minutes or until the water clears.
The current manganese levels leaving the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) do not meet aesthetic standards, nor do those in the distribution system. Removing raw manganese through oxidation has been a long-standing challenge at the WTP, contributing to legacy manganese in the system. Potassium Permanganate has been used intermittently as an oxidizer for manganese removal, but it presents operational difficulties. Overdosing, which is easy at low concentrations, can lead to additional aesthetic issues, such as yellow, pink, or purple discolouration in the treated water.
Manganese in Water
Manganese is an essential nutrient found naturally in the environment, present in air, food, water, soil, and rocks. It enters the Red Deer River when water dissolves minerals containing manganese. While the levels of manganese in Drumheller’s water are generally low, they may sometimes exceed aesthetic guidelines, especially during distribution system fluctuations.
The Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines set the Maximum Acceptable Concentration (MAC) for manganese at 0.12 mg/L and an aesthetic objective at less than 0.02 mg/L. The public typically notices manganese at concentrations above 0.05 mg/L.
Mitigation Measures for Manganese
To help reduce manganese concentrations in the distribution system, the Town conducts unidirectional flushing, which may temporarily worsen water quality before improvements are seen. Costs associated with this flushing include additional labour, vehicle, and equipment expenses, as well as the repair of aging infrastructure.
In 2024, the Province of Alberta had indicated a potential for drought and water supply issues, the Town agreed to conserve water. These conservation efforts resulted in an incomplete flushing program. However, this maintenance is necessary for long-term water quality.
Milky or Cloudy Water
If your water appears milky or cloudy, it is likely due to air bubbles. This often happens in the winter when the water is colder, and the air is trapped. These bubbles pose no health risk; the water will clear if left to sit.
Stale-Tasting Water
If your water tastes stale, it may be because faucets have not been used recently. Running the cold water tap briefly will refresh the water supply from the main and restore the taste.
Chlorine Smell
In some situations, such as spring runoff, the taste or smell of chlorine in the water may increase as the Utilities Department adjusts treatment to ensure continued safety. Store a water container in the fridge overnight if the chlorine taste or smell is unpleasant. The chlorine will dissipate, improving the taste for drinking.
Water Safety
Please be assured that despite occasional changes in the taste, smell, or appearance of the water, it remains safe to drink and meets all health standards set by provincial and federal authorities. We are committed to providing our residents with clean, safe, and reliable drinking water.
-Submitted by the Town of Drumheller-